Nettleden with Potten End Parish Council
Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 15th March 2018
Meeting held on Thursday 15th March 2018
In the Church Rooms, Potten End at 7.30pm
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Potten End Funfair
The funfair will be arriving on the Village Green on Sunday 12th May and will be open for rides on Thursday 16th May to Sunday 19th May 2019.
Exercise of public rights
Each year the Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice – please note that until the external audit has been completed it is subject to change.
From Monday 22nd June to Friday 31st July 2020 inclusive, any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records. Details of how to obtain access to this information is provided in the Notice of Public Rights document below.
Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20
Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
Annual Accounting Statement 2019/20
Council Management Accounts 2019/20 (published here for information – not part of the formal AGAR process)
The Duke of Edinburgh
Nettleden with Potten End Parish Council and the residents of the parish would like to extend their condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and members of the Royal Family on the death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
A Book of Condolence is available at Holy Trinity, Potten End for those who wish to sign it; the church will remain open until 8pm each day until the funeral and will instigate suitable COVID protection measures. If you’re concerned about maintaining social distance and still wish to show your respects there are online books of remembrance on the Buckingham Palace website and the website of the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.
Parish Council News – May 2024
The Parish Council meets on Thursday, 16th May at 7.30pm in the Church Room at Potten End. The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded from the Council’s website. If you’d like to get more information about items on the agenda it includes links to supporting documents, and if that doesn’t satisfy you, please come to the meeting and ask questions or contact me! Consultations/information sessions At the February Council meeting we heard from Paul Miller from the National Trust about the significant challenges facing the NT from increased footfall at the Ashridge Estate. A reminder that the NT will be giving an update on their plans at a public engagement event behind the Visitor Centre on Monument Drive on May 25th and 26th between 11am and 4pm. Details are available on the NT website. The Local Government Boundary Commission is consulting on ward boundaries in Dacorum. More information is available on their website. The closing date for comments is 15 July. We’ve been approached about whether there might be any interest in a mobile vet service visiting Potten End – there are no details of timings or venue yet but please let us know if this might be of interest. Highways Both the tragic accident at the drainage works outside 76 Hempstead Lane and the accident at the junction of Church Rd and Water End Rd are scheduled for updates. The scheduled closure of Potten End Hill from 8 – 10 May has been cancelled because of the delay to the Hempstead Lane works but the closure on 10 June remains. Roman Road will be closed from 3-7 June for drainage works. See for details of roadworks. Open spaces The Plough has asked for permission to install more picnic benches on Spencer Holland. This was scheduled for discussion in April but was delayed to allow time to investigate possible implications. Planning The Council will consider applications from: Brynnon Cottage, The Back for a single storey extension (24/01020/LDP) Cleft Oak Cottage, Hollybush Close for a double storey extensions to front, single storey extension to side and part single- part double-storey extension to rear, increased main roof and chimney heights, fenestration changes and new pitched roof to garage, all following demolition of existing conservatory (24/01041/FHA) 38 Rambling Way (aka Valerie Way) for removal of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) attached to planning permission 21/00138/FUL (Construction of 5 dwellinghouses including associated hard and soft landscaping) (24/01053/ROC) CIL project prioritisation The Parish Council received £72,024.35 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from the development at Valerie Way which has to be spent on infrastructure in the parish. Over 35 ideas of what to spend the money on have been received covering projects as widely different in scale as improvements to the Brownie’s cupboard in the Church Room to the replacement of the Scout Hut. At the May Council Meeting it is proposed that the Council proceeds with the following projects without consultation: to improve accessibility to open spaces to improve the Brownies cupboard in the Church Room to repair the entrance pathway to the Old Green a roadside data recorder to protect the verges around The Green The Council will consult with the community to prioritise a further nine projects. Dates for your diaries The next two Council meetings will take place on 20th June and 18th July |