Governance and Policies

Standing Orders

Standing Orders are the written rules of the Council. They regulate the proceedings of meetings and confirm internal organisational and administrative arrangements.

The current version of the Council’s Standing Orders were agreed on 16th May 2024.

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council.

The current version of the Council’s Financial Regulations were agreed on 16th May 2024.

Dates of meetings

All meetings are held in the Church Room, Potten End, starting at 7.30pm. Meetings are generally scheduled on the third Thursday of each month other than in August (when there is no meeting) and December (when the meeting may be held on the second Thursday).

Members of the public are always welcome to attend and to raise issues of concern.

The current schedule of meetings can be downloaded from this website.


PolicyDate adoptedMinute
Child protection policy15th June 202323/078
Code of conduct18th May 202323/066
Complaints procedure16th May 202424/067
Delegation arrangements16th May 202424/067
Document retention15th June 202323/078
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme16th May 202424/067
General privacy policy16th May 202424/067
Grant awarding policy15th June 202323/078
Investment policy16th March 202323/038.e
Privacy policy for staff, Councillors and role holders16th May 202424/067
Reserve Policy18th January 202424/011.d
Social media policy15th June 202320/009