Spencer Holland Play Equipment
The Parish Council will be re-opening the play equipment on the Spencer Holland recreation area on 4th July 2020.
Government guidance is that although the risks of COVID-19 surviving when outdoors is reduced where surfaces may be subject to UV light and/or rain, the virus could survive long enough on frequently used/touched outdoor surfaces to facilitate transmission. As a result parents and carers are asked to be aware of the following – please note that failure to comply with these guidelines could result in the Council closing the play area again.
- Children using the equipment do so at their own risk.
- So far as is possible you should ensure that children adhere to Government guidelines on social distancing.
- We
recommend that you restrict the number of children using the play equipment as
- Climbing frame – 2
- Slide – 1
- Springy – 1
- Seesaw – 2
- Swings – 1 on each unit ( we will close the second swing)
- Only one family member should accompany each child in the play area
- The Parish Council will not be cleaning the equipment; parents and carers should bring sanitising gel/hand wipes to clean children’s hands before and after using the equipment. If they are also able to clean the equipment where it has been heavily used by their children this would be of benefit to the community as a whole.
- Please remind children not to put their mouths on equipment or their hands in their mouths.
- The consumption of food and drink whilst using the play equipment is banned.
- Please dispose of any litter responsibly, particularly any used protective wear such as face coverings or gloves, preferably by taking it home.
- Current government guidance states that face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 3 or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly. Parents should be aware that wearing a face covering in a playground setting could pose an additional safety risk and should use their judgement on whether their children wear a face covering.
- Families with children with special needs should contact the Parish Clerk to discuss their requirements.