Parish Council News – March 2024
The Parish Council meets on Thursday, 21 March at 7.30pm in the Church Rooms at Potten End. The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded from the Council’s website. If you’d like to get more information about items on the agenda it includes links to supporting documents, and if that doesn’t satisfy you, please come to the meeting and ask questions or contact me! Berkhamsted Golf Club The meeting will start with a presentation by Mr Howard Craft, Club Manager, Berkhamsted Golf Club who will be talking about conservation grazing on Berkhamsted Common. National Trust At the February Council meeting Paul Miller from the National Trust gave a presentation on the significant challenges facing the NT from increased footfall at the Ashridge Estate including eight different and often overlapping types of designations and heritage listings such as AONB, SSSI, historic park, ancient woodland and common land. If you want more information on the Trust’s plans for the Estate include restrictions on parking in Monument Drive and more visitor centres to move visitors away from the Monument go to the National Trust website. On a related note there are two sessions on Wednesday 27thMarch from 5.30pm – 6.30pm, repeated at 7pm – 8pm, at the Ashridge Visitor Centre about proposed changes to horse riding on the Estate. It’s free but you need to book. There has been comment about the state of the footpath from Frithsden Copse to Frithsden after a new fence was erected. The fence is to allow cattle to graze the woodland and field as part of a NT restoration project to improve the diversity of the habitat. Unfortunately that doesn’t help the condition of the footpath. And finally our current representative on the NT Estates Committee, Geoff Brown, no longer feels able to continue in the role. Our thanks to Geoff for his time and to Chris Grimsdale for picking up the reigns. Highways Here’s a summary of what the Council will be discussing, together with updates on outstanding items where appropriate. The flooding along Hempstead Lane has been resolved in the short-term by installing a pump to take the water from the road to the fields behind the houses. Work will start on a permanent solution on 2nd April which will require the road to be shut for four weeks. The solution is only possible because of the flexibility and support of local residents. In addition to Hempstead Lane, Potten End Hill is scheduled to be closed from 8 – 10 May and 10 June; see for details. It has been suggested that the speed limit in the parish outside those areas where there is a set limit should be reduced from the default National Speed Limit of 60mph to 40mph. This would only be considered by Herts Highways if there was a significant percentage of the community supporting it, it would require a lot of effort to get that support, and it is unlikely even then that it would achieve anything other than make a clear statement of the community’s concerns. The Council could support such an initiative but doesn’t have the bandwidth to undertake the legwork necessary to get that level of support and so unless there are people willing to pick this up it will not be pursued. In the meantime and after many years of effort we are expecting work to start on reducing the speed limit along The Common from 50mph to 40mph in the next few months. The current design includes a small chicane at the entrance to the Village and the Council will debate whether or not to pay for the installation of a gateway to emphasise the change in speed limit which will be from 40mph to 30mph. Concern has been expressed at the state of the path from Common Gardens to Vicarage Rd running behind Cedar. The Council is most grateful to Cllr Douris who has agreed to have the path repaired in 2024/25. Finally HertsLynx are offering a “children travel free” deal over Easter. Open spaces The Council will be considering a proposal to install a wildlife information board next to the pond, and is very grateful to Alan and Joyce Osborn who have agreed to fund it. We have agreed that Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh may use The Pond as part of a study assessing the health of the common frog across the UK. Planning At the last meeting the council objected to an application at Mollcroft, Hempstead Lane (24/00157/FUL) for a change of use for an existing detached residential annex building to a separate dwellinghouse. It has supported an application for the reinstatement of a gated access to Spring Lodge, Hollybush Close (24/00368/FHA) and will be considering an application for a new pitched roof over a garage and various other works at 18 Hempstead Lane (24/00459/FHA). The council has received notification of an appeal against the decision by Dacorum to refuse permission for works to trees at Browns Spring Wood (23/00314/TPO). The Parish Council objected to the original application. Email address changes Please note that with immediate effect all the Parish Council email addresses have changed. I can now be contacted at whilst all councillors can be contacted at (e.g. The old email addresses will work for a little while but will eventually be shut down. Dates for your diaries Mr David Evans, Managing Director, Ashridge House will attend the council meeting on 18th April to update us on their plans for events at Ashridge (deferred from January). The May Council meeting will take place on 16th May. |