Mobile base station pre-consultation

The Council has been approached by the Harlequin Group on behalf of Cornerstone Group, a joint venture between Telefonica and Vodafone, as a pre-application consultation in advance of a planning application for the erection of a mobile base station on Hempstead Lane opposite the lay-by to provide 4G coverage within the area. The Parish Council is only being informally consulted and does not have the authority to allow or refuse the application. We have until the 24th January to make comments and have also been asked to advise Harlequin of any local stakeholders or groups that might like to make comments.

This will be discussed at the council meeting on 16th January but if anyone is unable to attend that meeting and would like to submit comments via the council please contact the Parish Clerk.

An explanatory letter from Harlequin may be found here, and a map of the proposed location may be found here.