Parish Council News – January 2024
Open spaces
The two trees on the Spencer Holland recreation ground which were considered high
risk have been removed. It wasn’t possible to cut back some trees on the sports field
whose branches are encroaching on the football pitch but this will be completed shortly.
Work will also commence in the next few weeks on some essential tree maintenance on
the Old Green.
Since the last meeting the council submitted an objection to proposed variations to work
at Williams Wood, Vicarage Rd (23/02958/ROC) but supported an application from Clayton
Cottage, Frithsden Lane for an extension and work to windows (23/02908/LBC).
At the January meeting the council will be considering proposals for:
- 23 Water End Rd and land to rear of 21 Water End Rd (23/01211/FUL). This development has been discussed in various iterations at three council meetings and the Parish Council has objected to each proposal. The Applicant has proposed some additional alterations which don’t yet appear on the planning portal but are detailed in the briefing note for the Parish Council meeting.
- 15 The Back, Potten End – works to trees (23/02963/TCA).
- Hill House, Frithsden Copse – installation of heat pumps (23/03029/RET).
- National Trust Land adjacent to Nettleden Road – felling of ash trees (24/00021/TCA).
The council has received notification of an appeal for a proposal to build a stable and hay
and feed store to which the Parish Council objected on land off Little Heath Lane (22/03183/FUL).
Dates for your diaries
Mr Paul Miller, General Manager of National Trust, Ashridge Estate will attend the council
meeting on 15th February to update us on their plans.
Mr Howard Craft, Club Manager of Berkhamsted Golf Club will attend the council meeting
on 21st March to update us on their plans for tree management.